Dog Parkour Sessions
You will be working on behaviours required for the various levels of Parkour certification. The first thing you need for your dog is a non-tightening, non-shoulder restrictive harness along with a 3ft to 4ft lead. We do not allow retractable leads during our training sessions.
*Level 0 is available for Puppies from 2 months old, who will start with Built Environment. When your Puppy reaches 4 months old, you can include Natural and Urban Environments too. The maximum age of a puppy entering Level 0 is 12 months old.
*Level 1 Beginners is available to all Dogs over the age of 6 months. Built, Natural and Urban Environments are available to them.
*Level 2 Intermediate is available to dogs who have successfully achieved Level 1 and are over the age of 12 months.
*Level 3 Advanced is available to dogs who have successfully achieved Level 2 and are over the age of 18 months.
*Level 4 Expert is available to dogs who have successfully achieved Level 3 and are over the age of 24 months.
*Level 5 is available to dogs who have successfully achieved Level 4 and over the age of 24 months.
1 hour group sessions.
1:1 solo session